Monday 23 September 2013


The Shawshank Redemption

 [4.5/5 Stars]

"Remember, Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."

Dum Spiro Spero, "While I Breathe, I hope" are the words that Andy Dufresne lives by during his bid in prison, an innocent man, sentenced to serve two life terms for a crime he did not commit. The movie differs from other prison movies, it lacks the lame attempts at visceral action made by some, or the intense experience that others try to put forward, by being about the simplest of all things, friendship and hope. Red, played by Morgan Freeman, narrates Andy's life in prison(with the voice god itself), as seen from his eyes, becomes his closest friend as they both serve out their life imprisonment together.The film has been adapted from the Stephen King novella, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, and Rita Hayworth alongside Raquel Welch become the poster-girls for hope, literally. It was Frank Darabont's first film as a director as he gave life to Andy and Red's friendship built on their mutual respect for each other and an unquestionable loyalty they had towards each other, and managed to create a masterpiece and a gem that has managed to outshine every other collaboration that he's had with Stephen King.
PosterGirl of Hope
Andy is assaulted repeatedly, by "the sisters", but after he helps the Chief of the guards in saving some of his money, his life in prison changes, from a one time offer of a cold brew for all his friends on the prison roof despite him being sober, to him being left alone by "the sisters" and being removed from laundry duty to the library to do taxes for the other Prison guards and then to making money for the Warden.
An educated man, Andy tries to help the inmates receive an education, and with the arrival of Tommy he gets a ray of hope that all would be okay again, but as fate would have it, it's all in vain, but he is still patient, still hopeful and in his mind, he is free.
Tommy's death changes him, while Andy had accepted his role as a prisoner-with-benefits by being loyal to the warden, helping him earn money, when he realizes Tommy was killed just because he offered to help him be free, he decides to get revenge, and does that in spectacular fashion.
The film is an underdog movie to the core, as we watch Andy fight the "man", we root for him, and like him, we hope, hope that he gets out, hope that Red leaves with him, hope that that everything wrong that happened to him is put right.
The cinematography is nothing unusual, but add the dullness with which the prison is presented, and a brilliant script to it, the film becomes beautiful and is a must watch for  anyone who loves cinema in its purest form.


  1. The review is wonderful, but I would just like to correct the last line, 'the film becomes beautiful and a must watch for anyone who is a fan of underdog movies....'. Remove Underdog!

    It's a must watch for anyone who watches movies. :)
